Tuesday, January 19, 2010

MDI Lists Helps Haiti

The screams in Haiti are being heard around the World and the World is responding. The 7.0 earthquake that rocked Port Au Prince on Tuesday brought the already impoverished city of nearly three million people to its collective knees and the far reaching impact is devastating the rest of the country. Hospitals, homes, schools and buildings lay in ruin. There are bodies piled knee deep in the streets. There are literally hundreds of thousands of people are still missing in the wreckage, their fates unknown. There are still parts of Haiti rescue workers have not been able to reach. There is no food, water or electricity. The emergency crews fight to get to the scene; people are digging through rubble using their hands to unearth survivors. Out of the houses and buildings left standing most are structurally unsound and are potential disasters. People who were lucky enough to escape with their lives are huddling together in open fields too afraid to enter the still standing buildings.

The devastation is unthinkable and unimaginable. The sheer amount of destruction is seemingly insurmountable. One news blog that I read a little while ago ended with the sentiment that “Any thoughts of full recovery during this generation is unrealistic.”. The more news, videos and photos that reach us from Haiti, the more we begin to realize how true that small statement is. For up to date information you can always click on CNN, as they are giving updates from Port Au Prince often

Those of us who are not in Haiti are scrambling, trying to figure out how can we help, how can we lend a hand and make a difference. What we can do often leads us to do nothing at all. In my opinion, this is not an option right now. The devastation caused by this earthquake is being compared to losing an entire war in just a few short moments.

There are many trustworthy organizations who are already on the scene, and many more that are gathering together resources to aid the victims of this awful tragedy. We have come up with a list of some of the ways that you can help. Please remember that every penny – literally – counts. If you are in a situation where you cannot send money or supplies, do not feel as though you are worthless. Your thoughts and support are needed by the people in Haiti, as much as the physical donations are.

  • American Red Cross – There are three ways you can contribute via the Red Cross: monetary donations, blood donations, and signing up as volunteers.
  • Text to Donate – If you want to donate money but are a little short right now, the State Dept. has set up a way to donate via text message. Text “Haiti” to 90999 and a donation of ten dollars will be added to your next phone bill and forwarded to the Red Cross.
  • Doctors Without Borders – The Doctors Without Borders program has been stationed in Haiti for a long time already. Their facilities were destroyed by the earthquake, along with much of their supplies. They are rushing to attempt to care for the injured people who need them, but they need your help.
  • National Nurses United – The nation’s largest organization of registered nurses tonight activated its nationwide disaster relief program to recruit nurse volunteers to provide assistance to residents of earthquake devastated Haiti.
  • UNICEF –is dedicated to helping children. Before Tuesday, there were already thousands of children who were orphans living below the poverty level. Today, there are many thousands more.
  • Operation USA – Operation USA has been rated as a four-star charity for the past six years. Every penny that goes in to the organization goes right back out to the places that need it.
  • Mercy Corps – Mercy Corps allows you to send a flat donation of your own, or can help you organize your own fundraising team. They also accept donations other than money, such as clothing and building materials.
  • World Food Bank – The WFP has already pledged more than two million dollars to help feed the people of Haiti. It is expected that the amount needed will far exceed this.
  • T-shirts – Emerald City Fashion Week is raising money to support the relief effort with a Fashion4Haiti T-shirts which are available for immediate purchase! Net proceeds will be donated to World Vision to help children and families affected by the 7.0 earthquake.

Our hearts go out to everyone in Haiti, as well as to the people around the World waiting for news of loved ones. MDI Lists and David M Raff have asked all of their list owners and friends to help with this cause. To this end, David M Raff (Weston Florida) and MDI Lists plan on donating a portion of all commissions earned in February to Help Haitti Relief Causes

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